On the one hand, this looks amazing. I really want to read it.

On the other hand, I'm incredibly disappointed that the publisher, Seven Seas, is trying to bust the attempts at unionization by its workers. See here:



I've read the newsletters for MSX, but am way behind on the podcasts, so if you've addressed this on the show, I apologize, but this might be worth discussing when you next record.

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[Deb:] Sure, i understand. Just as an FYI -- the Blue Giant episode was recorded last month, many weeks before the Seven Seas employee union issue came up in the news, so that's why you won't hear anything about it in the upcoming episode of the podcast. It'll likely come up in discussion at some point soon though.

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That's totally understandable. I need to catch up on this podcast! :) Thanks for everything you do.

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Yeah...Seven Seas definitely set some bridges alight with that choice. UW7S hasn't called for any boycotts (yet).

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Thank you for the explainer! I'm motivated to listen to you all talk about it now.

Totally agree on the One Piece comment. I always suggested starting with Nami's arc and if the moment at Arlong Park didn't move the reader, to just...read something else. ^_^

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